Sunday, December 28, 2008


Ever been thankful for bad luck? How about an illness? Sound crazy...thank about it for a minute. I have had many times in my life when things have, for what ever reason, gone completely wrong and the end results was for the better. I have come to look at these times as God saying " slow down and look around".

I had one of these earlier this month. I had what seemed to be just another case of strep throat and it turned out to be the mother of all strep encounters. For the first time in my life I ended up in the hospital. As I waited for my room some of my friends from EBC showed up. When I got to my room more men came. Soon I had around 10 in my room at 10:00pm. It turns out that just down the hall another man from EBC was in the hospital, Wallace Fulmore. The men started to shuttle from my room to his and all got to visit and pray with him. The next day my Dr. cleared me and I made my way to his room and sat with him for awhile. We talked and laughed and then we prayed together.

That was the last time I saw Mr. Wallace. The last time I heard him talk about how excited he was to see what was happening at our church. The last time I heard him laugh. The last time I saw him smile. The last time I got to pray with this wonderful brother, this man of God. So for that I say...thank you God for strep. If it had not been for that, 10 men and myself my not have had that last encounter, that last memory.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Had a great day

It's been almost a month since my last post. It's not that I have nothing to blog about, it's that I have so much I can't get it all in.

I had another awesome, prayer answered Angel Food distribution. My good friend Betty Moore-Bell had 14 people who had no money for food and had 3 boxes to divide between them. Just so happens that all the Sunday school classes and youth groups pitched in enough for 11 boxes and 4 fruit and veggie boxes. That means that all 14 people got their own box!! Wow, God really does give you what you need. He saw the need and guided his sheep in the direction they should go and BAM!! need is met. How awesome is that!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Do prayers get answered?

Do prayers get answered? We talk about it, we hear every Sunday, we want it to be true. Is it? I must give this a firm YES. I have seen this many times in my life, as many of you have, so I just blows my mind that I, we, don't commit more time to prayer. I guess we truly think we can do it all and we don't need Gods help.

I spent most of last week sweating today's Angel Food distribution. I had lots of people lined up and one after another they fell out for one reason or another. I'd say " no problem, there's always next month" when in fact I was freaking out with the fact that I was not going to have enough people. I worked, called. e-mailed and set up things all day Friday. At 11:00 pm I was at the car wash cleaning dirt out of the church van so I could put food in it the next morning. As I feel into bed at around mid-night I said "OK Lord, it is in your hands, I can't do it with out you."

Saturday morning at 6:30am I was at the church doing my final check and unlocking the door for a few faithfuls and folks that I hoped could make it. I drove to Highland and was expecting to see the usual crowd of monthly vols. but it just me, Laura Taylor (the lead person for HPUMC), the truck driver and 2 older gentleman with the unloading equipment. Oh Lord, i thought, she has staff issues too. We didn't know exactly what we were going to do.

Then it happened, I saw Aaron Chainey and Christian. Then David and Jimmy Daniel. Before long Robbie Roof, Tory Brown, Brad Kempson, Tim Jordan, Scott Rainer and my nephew Blake Lee were there. A couple of other guys showed up and we could unload the truck. As we were working our cell phones started to ring and it was the group at the church checking on our status. I couldn't believe it, but I should. God always gets things done that should be done if we just get out of the way.

When we got every thing off the truck and I got all of the EBC stuff together the guys got it loaded in the van and we raced to the church. When I turned the corner I saw people standing in the parking lot waiting to help unload. My "Odd Couple" friend Philip Kennedy, Mike Hill, Jimmy Cox and some boys (young men) from my Sunday afternoon book study, Dustin Hayes, O'Neal Kennedy and Thomas Miller. My buddy Scott Taylor, my niece Jill Huggins ( who like my nephew drove from Bennettsville to help) the ladies who help me take orders during the week Melissa Miller (who's daughter was running the welcome desk), Debra Wadell, Linda Jordan, Denise Rainwater and Ms. Anita Shivley.

In minutes the food was off loaded and staged for distribution and we started giving it out. It was running like a watch made by a master craftsman and that wasn't me. We had a couple of shorts that my beautiful wife Wendy ran and picked up for us, but other than that it was smooth. My prayers had been heard and answered, but not just my prayers.

Ms. Betty Moore-Bell buys these boxes and she divides them up and takes the to Creekside Apts. and hands them out to the needed handicapped residents. She had asked to come at the end and if we had any unclaimed could she have it for these folks. I said certainly but I didn't expect any to be unclaimed. When she came in she said she prayed for me and this distribution last night, that it would be a success. Her prayers were answered too, and guess what. At the end after everything was handed out and boxed up we had 1 lonely grill special left. I didn't think to much about it until my good friend and head ram rod Amy Daniel came and said lets give it to Betty. I picked it up and took it over to her and she was over come with emotion. I wasn't expecting that. You see, where I only saw 1 little grill special, she saw several meals for people who really have nothing. She knew what that 1 box could do. As I looked around I noticed that she and her friend were literally counting cookies and putting them into zip lock bags. They were stretching those boxes as far as they possibly could.

So yes, prayers do get answered, YES, YES, YES. Not only do they get answered, they get connected and twisted in ways that we never see. When a plan is Gods plan and it does his work. There is no limit to the awesome power of PRAYER.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Death of a friend

I went to a friends funeral this past Saturday. It was a bummer. He was 2 days short of his 64th birthday. That's not that old. He wasn't sick, no accidents, no self inflicted injuries. He just went to bed Tuesday night with his wife and didn't wake up. It was such an uneventful death that it almost doesn't seem real, but it is. It is very real to the friends and family that he left behind.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you just didn't wake up one day? Would you be missed? Could the ones you love carry on with out you. Who would pick up where you left off? Does a single life really matter? Do you matter?

I watched my friends as they sat and listened to the minister speak about the life Tex lived. They were dying as they listened to the countless good deeds and genuine love and respect with which he treated everyone. He and his wife Linda took in 14 foster kids over the years not to mention their own 3 girls. He was a real "stand in the gap" kind of guy. I watched them again in the reception line. I have no idea what held them up. If too no one else, Tex mattered to them.

I know allot of smart people but I must say Tex was one of the smartest. He worked with the NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) and was one of about 500 people in the country who could do the jobs he did. You don't get guys like that from Labor Finders or He was very smart but, he had a way of making you feel like the most important person in the room. He cared about people, all people. He will be missed.

As for me, I don't know if I will be missed by many. I do know that I have a place that belongs only to me. A place in my family, my church and my community. Yes, the world will keep turning and my family will push on but, I think I will be missed. I think you will be too.

Look around at your family, friends, community. You would be amazed how much of an impact you have on them. Even the worst of us are missed. So I'll say god bye and God speed to my friend Tex, you will leave a huge void to fill. God bless you and your family.

For the rest of you, stop surfing the net and go hug your family.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Da Blues

Do you ever feel like no matter what you do it just won't matter? I've been feeling that way lately. No matter how much I want it, how hard I work, it just isn't enough. In the great scheme of things it means nothing. What do you do? I'm not one to get depressed or discouraged but I've been doing a dog on good job of it lately. I guess I just need to shake this and get my butt back in the saddle. What do you think? Enough with the pity party? too.

Monday, September 29, 2008

My wife

I love my wife...she's cool.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Men, the stronger gender?

Men have always been known as the stronger gender. We can fight any thing. We can conquer any thing. Nothing is outside our iron grasp. Men have fought wars, conquered nations and harnessed power from particles you can't even see. We have bent the universe to meet our needs. Companies and governments have been built and pushed to success by men. Men are the measuring standard for all levels of life. "Man up!", "Be a Man!", "Take it like a Man!" and of course "U DA MAN!!".

Being a man is not easy. You have allot of expectations. Even at early childhood you see that parents treat boys differently from girls. We are the corner stones, the base, the anchor. We are to be leaders of, protectors of and sacrificed for the family, community and the country. It has been this way from the dawn of time, and no matter how hard the new age, oh so enlightened modernist want equality, this is how it will be until the end of time.

Many women over the ages have wanted to be treated equally with men. WHAT FOR? They don't have enough problems of their own? Do they want to go out and work til their backs break and worry that it's not enough? Do they want to always be under the gun of responsibility, knowing that failure is not a option and that if they do, they fail the whole family and not just themselves. Do they want the responsibility for not only their spiritual growth, but that of their spouse and children? Do they want to be the ones who are called to lay down their lives for God and country, putting aside every personal need they have?

Sorry, they can't even if they wanted to. This is a mans lot in life. This is why we are here. Take it away or minimize it and you may as well kill us. You can put a square peg in a round hole, but you have to either cut up the peg or bust out the hole. The certain destruction of one or the other is inevitable.

Men are the hardcore, work horses of the planet. We can and will do anything. We are quick to sacrifice our time, resources and even ourselves for the greater good. We will lay down our very lives. It would seem that we are impervious to anything, but we're not. The only thing that hurts us worse than bullets and bombs are the words from a woman.

Yes, the words from a woman are more powerful than guns, planes and tanks. They can inspire us more than any political speech or condemn us more than and judges verdict. When a woman wants to take the mans role it kills the man. She then wants to know what happened to him. She should know, she pulled the trigger. A woman's words are powerful, they can build up or tare down.

Women in Kuwait do not have the right to vote. They don't want it. The men take care of that. Is it that they don't care if they are heard? Absolutely not, they are heard. How do you think the husbands know who to vote for? They are the head of the family and as the head they ask the neck. Yes the neck, the wife. The man is the anchor, his wife is the rock. He is the corner stone, she is the Key stone.

If you find yourself with a man who is having self doubt or feeling overloaded. If he looks like he has no more rope and is just hanging by a thread. You, as his wife, can turn this around or send it crashing down. Choose your words and timing carefully. You are his helpmate from God. You have the power to change his situation. Just remember, the trade off for being a man who can do all of these strong and powerful things is that we are fragile. You, women, are our Kryptonite.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I've been working with some young people at church lately. I've been trying to use them as much as I can for small repair projects that they can handle. I am also working to try to include them in some regular BIG church duties. When I started this I got all kinds of feed back from other adults. It ranged from "that is awesome" to "are you nuts".

I have not been to surprised by the comments, it is the folks that have been giving them. You would think it would be our older seniors, the ones how have been around for 50 or 60 years. You would be wrong, they actual have been very positive about it, encouraging even. The next most obvious are the young adults, I count my self in this group due to mental state rather then pure age. No they are are very open to it. Yes, it is the middle aged group. Hard to believe. I guess it has to do with expectations. What we expect from our youth.

I think if you expect a kid to not show up or not do the things they are asked then they will not disappoint you. On the other hand, if you expect them to be a part of something bigger than themselves, be confident that they can do things, then the may just surprise you. I don't kid myself, I know they don't have my work ethic or my know how. It took me 42 years to get what I have and I am still in development. My dad expected me to do the things he wanted me to do. He taught me what I needed to know and he let me make my own mistakes. That is what you do with kids you love.

I have great expectations for our youth. I know they will make mistakes, they will even fail, but that's ok. So will I, so will you, so will we all. That's not what's important. What we do when they do is what matters. I say lets set the bar high and give them room to make the big mistakes. If they take the chance and fly great, if they crash lets pick them up, dust them off and love them and let them try again.

What do you expect from your kids?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Pinky Toe

Have you ever wondered what the purpose of the pinkie toe is. I have been pondering this and I think God gave it to us as a test. You go days, weeks even months doing and saying all the right things. You are living a good Christian life then BAM!!! You hit your pinkie toe on the corner of the bed coming back from the bathroom in the middle of the night. The pain runs through you and a string of not so nice words fly from your lips. You have failed the test. Not only have I failed, buy I have broken records for most number of words uttered in a second. I'm doing better. I have not failed lately. So when you go out in the world be on the lookout for those pinkie toes.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Wow, where do I start. I have been hit from every side with the absurd. Let's give it a try.
  • I see on the tube where a 22 year old women is selling her virginity to the highest bidder. The is a college graduate with a degree in women's studies, and is auctioning off her virginity on the Internet. The lucky bidder will meet her in Nevada at one of the legal brothels and the deed will be done. On TV she all so modern and empowered. She "has no moral problem" with it at all. DO YOU SEE SOMETHING WRONG HERE! I am no student of women's studies but what the H E double hockey sticks is all so empowering about selling the most precious gift you have to the highest bidder like an old handbag on EBay? Dress it up any way you want, she's mis-guided and is heading for repercussions that she can not imagine. She'll get paid and allot of press, but when the lime light fades she'll be alone and feeling bad. She'll meet lots of guys,but they will only want her for a good time. If she does find a good one he will have a family and they are not that forgiving when it comes to the ones they love. She'll get her money for Grad. school and graduate, but no one will take her seriously. No matter what she does people will always think she slept her way to the top. Years will go by and the news will fade, but when she finally thinks she has it all behind her it will surface again. She will have children, maybe a girl, and this will come back at a time when she will be working hard to keep the child on the right path. How will she answer. She is not some kid who feel in love and made a mistake with the wrong guy. She is selling herself like a hooker on a street corner, she just does under the protection of a screwed up law and short lived fame. Times are not the same as they were 20 years ago, or 20 months. The Internet does not forget. The world is a small place now. You can not get away. I prey she changes her mind before it is to late.

  • Ike is off the gulf coast. People are displaced and just rebounding from Hannah and gas prices are spiking. The gas they have now does not cost any more than it did when they made it and they have not lost any thing yet. WHY IS IT GOING UP. Price gougeing pure and simple. It is a time of emergency and they are sticking it to everyone. If you did this you would be arrested. Crooked bums.

Help me Lord!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Perfect Peace

If you ever want to see perfect peace watch your child sleep. I looked in on my little girl last night, she woke up when she heard the storm earlier, and she was sleeping peacefully. She had her mouth slightly open and her face was relaxed. She looked like her mother, and sounded like her too (slight snore). i went back to the living room and wondered how she could sleep like that?

My guess is she went to bed with a clear mind, no worries. She is not worried about the bills, food, or even her own safety. Daddy and mommy will take care of that. Before she went to sleep we had a rough moment, she wanted her mommy to lay down with her. I explained to her that mommy had been to the dentist and was not feeling well. That did not sit well with her. I told her good night and if she wanted me just let me know. She was upset, but soon called me. She didn't move until I rolled over and gave her a hug, she smiled and settled in and was soon asleep.

When the thunder from the storm woke her she cried out for me. I went in and comforted her and she was soon back to sleep. She has no fears, no worries, no concerns. She trust her father and knows he want let anything happen to her and will always tell her the truth. She can sleep with that perfect peace. She is safe.

I wonder if I will ever get that back? Responsibilities are always on my mind. Those for my family, my church, my God. I thank we all have this problem. We confuse our selves with doubt. Are we good enough? Will we fail? Do we deserve what we have? Do we do enough? Yes we are, Yes we will, Yes we do and No we don't!

Jesus died for all of the sins we have ever committed and all the sins we will ever commit. With this act he says we are good enough. We will most definitely make mistakes, but that's ok. He will still take us back and loves us like a true father does. We carry a load with us by our own choosing and it's hard to put down, but we can. Like my little girl trust me, we must trust in God.

In Mark, 10:15 Jesus said that only those who receive the kingdom of God as a child will enter into it. So, I must lay it all down at his feet. Drop the load I have built for myself and follow him. Truly trust that he will take care of me and not let me down. Once I do this, once I come back to him with the trust that a child has for their father, maybe then I will have that perfect peace as well.

Just a thought.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah!!!!

Sarah Palin, let the truth be known. Ok, she pretty, smart, successful, but I want to really know her. I'm like the Dem's (or is that dim's) I want to know what her dirty little secret is. Let's walk through this.

  1. She is a mother of 5, one special needs. Could this be it. How can she keep up with work with all those young'ins running around. Well...lots of people have kids, some are special needs and they do it alone as single parents with out a staff. Besides 1 of hers is in the Army and another is getting married so that only leaves 3 and 1 of those is a teenager. Guess that's not it.
  2. Marriage problems! That's it! They had marital issues and it was bad, or at least that's what I've heard. They are still together and do look happy. You don't it couldn't be...could they have possibly had a issues and instead of throeing away a 20 year relationship, they worked through it and with God's saving grace saved the marriage? That's ridiculous. I don't think this is it, to many people have marital issue. No story. Anyway it must not have been a issue as of late. They have a 4 month old son.
  3. Daughter is pregers! This is wild, she fought to have sex ed taken out of schools. She says parents should handle that. WHAT! Parents talk to their kids! About sex! She has to be nuts. We should leave that to someone who cares about our kids like that guy who teaches gym. They can show them all of the physical stuff and they can get the emotional and moral stuff from their friends or the Internet. Besides, how many people do you know have kids who they love and teach them all the right things but the kid still makes mistakes? Oh, that many? Well this probably isn't it any way, she has 5 kids and only 1 is pregers. that's 80%. She beats the schools.
  4. Pro life. So is God. Nothing there.
  5. She loves her parents, God and America. No.Not that.
  6. Has a track record for busting heads when it comes to the good old boy's. Nope.
  7. The war! Hmmm...she has a son in the Army. Guess she would want it to end the right way and as soon as possible so her son would not have to go back. To much like every other mom in the USA.
  8. Education. Again...has 5 kids.
  9. Health care. of the kids is special needs, and one is a pregnant teen.
  10. Not strong enough. She busted the old guard of her own party in Alaska. That's tough.

Ok...I know what Sarah Palin's dirty little secret is. Have you figured it out? She is just like us. She doesn't feel what we are going through. She doesn't read about it or have a team looking in to it. She is and has been living it just like us. She has the same bumps and scares that we all have. They come from living life in the real world, not a political bubble. She can kill the moose and fry it up in the pan, and never ever let us forget we are American. Got my vote.

Don't like...go blog yourself.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

I want NASA to fix my car!

NASA has a 14 billion (that’s with a “B”) dollar a year budget. Obama and McCain are looking at giving them additional funds, up to 2 billion dollars ( there’s that “B” again) so we can see if ice crystals formed from water on other planets can sustain life at the sub atomic level. WHAT!!! Huh!!! Kidding right???
I’m all for looking for Klingons and trying to find out if Mr. Spoke is still alive, but come on! 14 billion? Really? My dad always said, “Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.” If we really want this money to do some real work for the American people and humanity at large let’s get a little more creative.
In the US at any given time about 1% of the population is homeless. That’s about 3.5 million people. 14 billion would give them $333.33 per month. That is more than the cost of government subsidized housing, so they should have a few buck left. Every day 35 million Americans face hunger. 14 billion would by each one of them 1 Angel Food box per month. Considering that many of these people are families and not individuals, the money for each would be combined to create a family fund. ( example homeless family of 4 would get $1333.33 per month) If you take out government rent and 4 Angel food boxes per month they would still have about $800.00 per month left for health care and to help start a new life.
Wait. Did we just wipe out hunger and homelessness in America and help them get health care with out raising taxes any more or creating National Health Care? OK, forget that , I want NASA to fix my car! That’s right FIX MY CAR! If they can send space ships, satellites and the space station into space for long periods of time and run all those operations with no gas station, they can give me a car that will not have to use gas. I know they can do it, I’ve seen the movie “The Right Stuff” (good pic by the way.) In the movie there is a scene where the space capsule in on trouble. They pull all of the NASA egg heads into a room with only items that are in the capsule in the quantity that the capsule has. They say “figure it out, you have 9 hours” and close the door. Sure enough they solve the problem and the capsule is saved. Let’s do that now.
I recommend that we do not spend another dime on any space agency activity until they figure out a few things for us hear on earth. Lock them in a warehouse with some tools and some duct tape and give them a time limit. If they pull it off, they get there funding. If they don’t, then they weren’t all that smart to begin with. For every dollar they request they must create something that will alleviate our nations burdens by one dollar. That fare right? They get what they want and we get what we need. It’s a standard business practice. If my employer pays me $10 per hour I must generate him at least $20 our he will go out of business. If the US pays NASA 14 billion then they need to create 28 billion to help the US sustain it self. If not the we all go out of business.

No, I am not running for office, don’t ask.