Friday, August 26, 2011

Washington DC...The new Sin City

Las Vegas, Sin City, a name they are proud of. They play to your every desire, your every dark desire. Any and every desire of the mind and body.they have it all. Gambling, Lust, Gluttony, Envy, Greed you name it they got it. Keep in mind that they are making every effort to accomplish this. They have laws that are designed to protect this and they have government officials who are voted in based on their promise to make it bigger and better. I know this is old news but did you know that there is another city that has them beat hands down? Yep, there is a town that not only has the big 7 covered, they have the top 10 taken care of as well! Where you ask, well it's our own nations capital Washington DC.

What!!! Paul, your nuts! Am I? Look at the Big 7;

Pride, Greed, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth and Anger. Bill Clinton and at least 15 others have been hauled out on public display for multiple counts of these.

Well what about the Top 10?

Thou shalt have no Gods before me, Thou shalt make no carved images, Thou shalt not take the Lords name in vain, Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy, Honor your father and mother, Don't murder, Commit Adultery,or Steal, Don't bare false witness or covet your neighbors wife or his possessions.

Well looks like they have covered them all. I'm no sign reader and sometimes things really are what they appear to be. But you have to wonder, God drop the bomb on Sodom and Gomorrah cause they didn't get back on the straight and narrow, who's to say he didn't shake DC as a little warning to the cats that are ripping him out of the very fiber of the country that was built on him.

I'm just saying

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The empty cup

How's your cup? Is it full? Empty? Are you a half full kinda guy or one of those half empty types? What are you doing with your cup? Do you keep it all for your self or do you use to help fill somebody else's cup? I was talking to a very dear friend of mine, one of those great people God has placed in my life (BMB), and we agreed that you should always use your cup to help fill others. We also agreed that if your cup is always pouring you can't get it refilled. Think about it, you have a cup, turn it upside down and then try to pour water into it. It kinda bounces off the bottom and on to the floor. That's exactly what happens to us when we serve and serve but don't take time to be served. Our God wants us to use the cup he gives us to pour out for others. He also wants us to take the time to go back to the well and refill our own cup. Without refilling our cup we become, as my fiend put, dry bones. We will eventually come to a point that we can no longer fill the cup of others and ours is dry and cracked and unable to hold the living water that we need. When this happens you'll have some who need their cup filled and they will go elsewhere to find a new source. You will also have those who have always kept their cup full but never used it. They will say I told you so and try to get rid of the old dry cracked cup. They will even offer up a little bit of their water, but beware. These cups have been hold still water. Water that has not be continually refreshed and like all standing water it is stagnate. If you are having your cup filled by someone, thank them and love them for it. Make sure they are getting their cup filled. Keep them going so they can keep you going. Be careful who fills your cup. It only takes a few drop of stagnant water to contaminate your whole cup. So, fill your cup with living water, share it with others and protect your source.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Help wanted!!!

There is an open position to work for a powerful well know that has unbelievable benefits. Just imagine you can work for a bigger name than Bill Gates , more famous than Donald Trump. This position my require travel and will definitely make you be an active person around town. You will work closely with others but you will receive your instruction straight from the boss so no middle man to go through. As you can imagine such a job does have it's rough spots. Some will ridicule you. Some will stand in your way. Many will try to get you to quit or to get you to do things your on way or their way instead of following the bosses instructions. If you push on and work hard you will be greatly rewarded. So are you ready to submit your resume? No need, your already hired! That's right, you can start now as the hands and feet of Christ! You can start now, today and change someones life as well as your on. Congratulations! Now get out there and show them what your made of:-)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Rules for husbands to live by #5

This one is from me. The most valuable and important thing that God blesses a man with, other than a relationship with him, is your relationship with your spouse. It should be protected at all cost and prized more than gold. Your parents raise you and then they are gone. Your brothers and sisters grow up with you and then they move on with their families. Your children, you raise them and then they move on with their lives. Only God and you spouse commit to a life time relationship. Cultivate, nurture and protect these two and all others will prosper.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Rules for husbands to live by #4

Keep the relationship growing in unity and understanding. Ephesians 4:2-3, TLB. "Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love. Be led together by the Holy Spirit to be at peace with one another."

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Rules for husbands to live by #3

settle misunderstanding fast! Ephesians 4:26, TLB.
"If you are angry, don't sin by nursing your grudge. Don't let the sun go down with you still angry -get over it quickly."

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Rules for husbands to live by #2

Husbands should honour their wives. Peter 3:7, TLB.
"You husbands must be careful of your wives, being thoughtful of their needs and honoring them as the weaker sex. Remember that you and your wife are partners in receiving God's blessings, and if you don't treat her as you should, your prayers will not get ready answers."

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Rules for husbands to live by #1

How should husbands relate to their wives?Ephesians 5:25-28, TLB.
"And you husbands, show the same kind of love to your wives as Christ showed to the church when He died for her. . . That's how husbands should treat their wives, loving them as parts of themselves. For since a man and his wife are one, a man is really doing himself a favor and loving himself when he loves his wife!

Monday, August 1, 2011

The way of the worm

Every morning as I walk into work from the I-95 parking lot I pass the fresh green grass the is the front lawn of my company. I usually arrive just after the sprinklers shut off. I've started to notice earth worms, everywhere. I have concluded that the vibration and increased water level from the sprinklers drive them to the surface and then as the ground settles and the water drops they return to the safety and comfort of the green grass. Some, however, don't make it. The ones in the center fair very well. The ones on the edges, not so much. You see, on the edge, when the sprinklers come on and shake up their lives the worms will sometimes go towards the middle and there they are safe other times they end up on the sidewalk and that's not a good place to be when you are a worm. On the sidewalk it gets hot and people are walking on top of you and eventually your lost. Some head bake to the safety of the green grass and they make it. Some just keep going and soon nothing is recognizable. Soon you are on the blacktop and the sun is up. You, the worm, are cooked and it's over.

Day after day I ask myself ,and the worms, how did you end up here where you don't belong? Then it hit me, these aren't worms. These are people. Yes, people. The green grass is the presents of Christ sent by God to keep and protect us. We have a job to do to keep the green grass living and growing. We get shook up from time to time but if we just hold fast and head to the center (Jesus) and stay strong we can work our selves deeper into him and eventually no amount of disturbance can force us out. If we get on the edge, we may catch some heat and even get stepped on a time or two but if we head back to the safety of the green grass we can once again head to the center and reclaim our spot and get back to our purpose of working and growing the green grass (the kingdom of God) and live for eternity in it's comfort. If we find or self on the sidewalk and just continue to press on in vain hoping that we live long enough to so other place to call home we will almost surly perish on the hot black top.

I have found my self stopping and picking up the odd worm and tossing him back to the green grass. After all, he didn't want to be on the hot sidewalk he just got turned around and lost his way. I know I've been there at times and I wished some good hearted person would have picked me up and tossed me back.

I know this story is a little bazaar. I know I'm sometimes a little bit crazy, but, what if you are the worm. If you are the worm today, head as fast as you can back to the center of our green grass (Jesus).If you are the worm today and you find your self on the black top, STOP and find you way back to the green grass. DON'T take time to answer allot of questions like, why am I here or why did this happen to me or should I wait for someone to come get me. The sun is getting hotter and you are about to be cooked. You can get those answers after you are back in the green grass. If you are NOT the worm today and you see one on the sidewalk or the black top, Stop and give them a hand. They would be grateful and blessed as will you. It takes allot of worms to keep our green grass growing and we need all the help we can get.

Love ya worms, thanks for the lesson.