Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Perfect Peace

If you ever want to see perfect peace watch your child sleep. I looked in on my little girl last night, she woke up when she heard the storm earlier, and she was sleeping peacefully. She had her mouth slightly open and her face was relaxed. She looked like her mother, and sounded like her too (slight snore). i went back to the living room and wondered how she could sleep like that?

My guess is she went to bed with a clear mind, no worries. She is not worried about the bills, food, or even her own safety. Daddy and mommy will take care of that. Before she went to sleep we had a rough moment, she wanted her mommy to lay down with her. I explained to her that mommy had been to the dentist and was not feeling well. That did not sit well with her. I told her good night and if she wanted me just let me know. She was upset, but soon called me. She didn't move until I rolled over and gave her a hug, she smiled and settled in and was soon asleep.

When the thunder from the storm woke her she cried out for me. I went in and comforted her and she was soon back to sleep. She has no fears, no worries, no concerns. She trust her father and knows he want let anything happen to her and will always tell her the truth. She can sleep with that perfect peace. She is safe.

I wonder if I will ever get that back? Responsibilities are always on my mind. Those for my family, my church, my God. I thank we all have this problem. We confuse our selves with doubt. Are we good enough? Will we fail? Do we deserve what we have? Do we do enough? Yes we are, Yes we will, Yes we do and No we don't!

Jesus died for all of the sins we have ever committed and all the sins we will ever commit. With this act he says we are good enough. We will most definitely make mistakes, but that's ok. He will still take us back and loves us like a true father does. We carry a load with us by our own choosing and it's hard to put down, but we can. Like my little girl trust me, we must trust in God.

In Mark, 10:15 Jesus said that only those who receive the kingdom of God as a child will enter into it. So, I must lay it all down at his feet. Drop the load I have built for myself and follow him. Truly trust that he will take care of me and not let me down. Once I do this, once I come back to him with the trust that a child has for their father, maybe then I will have that perfect peace as well.

Just a thought.

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