Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Da Blues

Do you ever feel like no matter what you do it just won't matter? I've been feeling that way lately. No matter how much I want it, how hard I work, it just isn't enough. In the great scheme of things it means nothing. What do you do? I'm not one to get depressed or discouraged but I've been doing a dog on good job of it lately. I guess I just need to shake this and get my butt back in the saddle. What do you think? Enough with the pity party? too.


Anonymous said...

I can tell you exactly what to do. When you get to feeling that way, you walk into your precious little girl's room in the middle of the night and watch her beautiful face sleeping away, not fearing a thing in this world because she knows her wonderful and adoring daddy is always going to protect her, no matter what. And then you remember that your family and your God is so completely proud of you, and that is all that truly matters in this world. And then of course, you also remember that your wife loves you so very much.

Anonymous said...

Y'all are making me cry! Paul, you're making a tremendous difference at EBC, and I appreciate your servant's heart. Wendy, you know I love you. Thank you both for setting a great example for Sydney. I'm thankful to be your friend.