Thursday, January 5, 2012

7 Days

I firmly believe that if every Christian man woman and child were to take 7 days each year and commit to using all of their resources, talents and time to answer the call that God puts in our hearts we could change the direction of this world FOREVER. 7 days of pooling funds and blowing past the red tape. 7 days of making needs known and finding the solution. 7 days of sharing and support. 7 days of getting people back on their feet. 7 days of LOVE. 7 days of worship and praise. 7 days of standing in the gap for others. 7 days!

A group of 45k +/- college kids just spent 4 days and managed the knock a hung dent in child trafficking. 4 days, just kids, most with little to no money. 4 days, just faith love and desire to live for Christ with total abandon. 4days of letting God be God through them. 4 days of him showing up BIG.

What could happen if we all gave it 7 days? Can you just imagine? If we only had the faith to follow their lead.