You are never more vulnerable than when you are asleep. When asleep you are at the mercy of who ever comes by. The third most vulnerable time is when you are eating. What is number two, you guessed it going to the bathroom. Yes that is right the second most vulnerable situation for anyone is when you are using the bathroom.
Well why must I bring this up? Your safety. Recently I was in a public bathroom and I noticed the seat was loose. This brought a flood of bad memories rushing in. It was a situation just like that one that put me in an unsafe and rather helpless position.
A few years ago I was in a public bathroom. My guard was down as well as my pants. Feeling safe an confident I shift my weight to make my self more comfortable and then it happened. The unsecured toilet seat shifted to one side and I was de throned. As I attempted to get up I realize I am now pinned between the toilet and the stall wall. What to for help? Assess situation...fat guy with pants around his ankles trapped under toilet, calling for help is out. My cell!?....well it is on the other side of the toilet where it landed when I fell. Well Ill just wait till someone comes in ...ummmm it was late and the store was only minutes from closing, I could be here all night as it appears no one cleans in here anyway.
As I lay there going over my options I began to laugh as I am prone to do. This weakens me even more. I finally discovered that if I straighten out I could possible finish sliding under the stall wall and then to freedom. As I was doing my best impression of a fat rat squeezing under a door, the bathroom door opened, a man looked down then turned and left. I am now on my stomach, pants down, halfway under a bathroom stall, butt shining. Yeah...laughing and to tired to get up. As I freed myself I thought...Surly I'm not the first one!?
This could happen to you, please check the seat before you sit. Report all unsecured seats. Be careful out there. This experience would have killed a lesser man.
Luv Ya Mean It
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