I don't know my place. Do you know yours? I once knew my place, it was where ever the party was. Where ever rules are broken and lines are crossed, that was me. I had some strange sense of purpose there. My purpose was, wait for it, the example of lack of purpose. I know what your thinking," Paul must be where the party is right now", no I'm ok. When I was the shallow guy with no real purpose I didn't have to worry about disappointing folks or hurting their feelings or being a bad example. That was what was expected of me. Any small good thing I did seemed awesome because I mostly did bad. Like George Costanza, I was the bad boy friend, the bad employee, the bad friend, the bad citizen, the bad choice, the bad example, the bad son, he bad brother, the bad...fill in the blank. I knew my place, and as sick as it was, I found comfort in that. Now not so much, I have no idea where my place is now or where it will be tomorrow, but in that uncertainty I have found comfort. I don't have to know my place as long as I'm making a place for God in the place I'm in. What ever he sends my way, big or small, that's going to be my place. As for worrying about being the bad...fill in the blank, I guess the best way to get over that is to stay on the course he sets for me. If I do that then I can't be any of those things, no matter what other people may think. Wow I guess I know my place after all, in his service surrounded by his grace. Hey, how about making this your place to? There is plenty of room.
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