Las Vegas, Sin City, a name they are proud of. They play to your every desire, your every dark desire. Any and every desire of the mind and body.they have it all. Gambling, Lust, Gluttony, Envy, Greed you name it they got it. Keep in mind that they are making every effort to accomplish this. They have laws that are designed to protect this and they have government officials who are voted in based on their promise to make it bigger and better. I know this is old news but did you know that there is another city that has them beat hands down? Yep, there is a town that not only has the big 7 covered, they have the top 10 taken care of as well! Where you ask, well it's our own nations capital Washington DC.
What!!! Paul, your nuts! Am I? Look at the Big 7;
Pride, Greed, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth and Anger. Bill Clinton and at least 15 others have been hauled out on public display for multiple counts of these.
Well what about the Top 10?
Thou shalt have no Gods before me, Thou shalt make no carved images, Thou shalt not take the Lords name in vain, Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy, Honor your father and mother, Don't murder, Commit Adultery,or Steal, Don't bare false witness or covet your neighbors wife or his possessions.
Well looks like they have covered them all. I'm no sign reader and sometimes things really are what they appear to be. But you have to wonder, God drop the bomb on Sodom and Gomorrah cause they didn't get back on the straight and narrow, who's to say he didn't shake DC as a little warning to the cats that are ripping him out of the very fiber of the country that was built on him.
I'm just saying
14 years ago